April 17 - Anonymous

Not really "GOD Moment", just an insight the LORD gave me I wanted to share. I was listening to Christian radio, and a song came on about how, in our weaknesses and failings, we fear we might "disappoint" the LORD. Oxford Dictionary online defines "disappoint" like so: "fail to fulfill the hopes or expectations of (someone)." It occurred to me that, in light of this, it's impossible to disappoint GOD. He already knows who we are, what we are, and what we're going to do. To put it bluntly, He knows we're going to blow it time and time again, so He doesn't have "hopes and expectations" for us. It sounds harsh from a human viewpoint, but it's so freeing in light of GOD's love, because His love and approval aren't dependent upon our performance. Another song has the lyrics, "Wasn't holding You up, so there's nothing I can do to let You down." No one is that powerful, that we can hold up--or let down--the GOD Who holds the whole universe in His hands!

That, of course, is not a license to not even try. On the contrary, we should be all the more encouraged to live in a Godly manner, not so we can earn heavenly brownie points, but because we know it pleases our Father. It's the only way we can ever even try to repay all He's already done for us. And we are encouraged that, if we fail in our efforts, His love never fails, and He is faithful to receive us as we run to His throne of grace for mercy and restoration. A meme on social media says: "Religion: 'I messed up. My dad's gonna kill me.' Christianity: 'I messed up. I need to talk to my Dad'." Because of Jesus' finished work on the cross, we can call the GOD of the universe "Daddy!" and come to him with every failure and falling, knowing He will not hold it against us and restore us to Himself and His service.

Marj Lancaster