April 11 - Anonymous
When I was asked to attend a School Board Meeting in August of 2022 I did not know how insidious the battle for the hearts and minds of our children is in our culture and especially our Public Schools. I was astounded to learn that the religion of Secular Humanism has carved out nearly 50% of the curriculum being devoted to Social Engineering, liberal ideologies, and virtue signaling at the expense of CORE academics. When Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI), Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Justice (SJ), Climate Change (CC), Gender Fluidity, expanding Health Curriculum, and more were inserted in heavy doses, other things had to come out. The first big thing to come out of our public education system was the Bible, followed by discipline, standards of respect, parental involvement (dual income/careers), academic rigor, and then common sense. Worse is that the entire operating environment is governed by a multitude of Policies rife with statements and language that promote and reinforce Secular Humanism and liberal ideologies as preferable, factual, and science-based as well as the model of aspiration and standards for behavior.
When I understood what was at stake and how easily I could participate and represent faith values in my district and others nearby I was hooked and knew God was calling me to be involved. There are so many "God Moments" associated with the "Speak Up" Ministry over the last 18 months I can not begin to recount them all but I am going to try to share some of them over the next couple months. What a privilege it has been to see how God has used our small steps of faith for His Glory and how he has so clearly shown Himself at work behind the scenes and through us.
The first God Moment is this - at one of the first School Board Meetings there was a large contingent of LGBTQIA community and supporters who were angry, disrespectful, intolerant, and antagonistic, but after a few outbursts, middle fingers, and disruptions, the Board President made it clear that people would be thrown out. Now we had a large CAPTIVE AUDIENCE of people who needed to hear the Gospel. Although greatly outnumbered by liberal-minded speakers, there were several who had the courage to speak Truth in Love. I looked around and saw that everyone was captivated and listening intently - you could hear a pin drop! What evangelist would not dream of being handed a mic for 3 to 5 minutes with a captive audience such as this?