February 8 - Marie Ferenc

Here's the testimony of the Lord in our marriage:

WHY did we have a Renewal of Our Wedding Vows?

*FIRST, and mostly important to us both was to Honor and Glorify God.

When Anthony Ferenc Jr & I were first married in 1996 we did NOT have a relationship with Jesus. We were NOT Saved, we had no idea what Salvation even meant. We were told by our parents what religion to follow.

BUT that is following a tradition, it's NOT Relationship. We were just Doing what everyone else did for holidays church etc...

We also walked away from the "tradition" and the church and we went as far away from God as a person can get.

We were veryyyyy involved in Wicca Religion, Yoga Teacher Therapy, Crystal Healing Therapies, Spells, Honoring the cycles of the Moon, Rituals, Feng Shui, Tarro Cards, Astrology Guru, Numerology, etc...
We had Mastered all things of the world.
-- and yet, though it "seemed" we had it all together; we come to find out that we were Worshipping the "creation" - and NOT the Creator.

We had judged God by people's standards and quite Honestly we didn't want to know Him. We had no time to get to know God. We thought HE was way too difficult to know.

We were so wrong.

We both thank God that my brother Martin Bruno and his wife Sarah PRAYED for us Non-Ceasingly, And that God LISTENED to their Prayers.

The LOVE of God IS Soooooo Beautiful, His Love IS Beyond ALL Measure.

And Anthony & I Experiencing Him (By being IN a Relationship with Him)
IS the most important relationship we ever experienced.

THIS Relationship With Jesus and Abiding IN His Word - first separately,
But Now (since the onset of my illness & also the crazy Covid situations) -- God has Taught us what it Means :
From Our relationship with Jesus
We have FREEDOM and PEACE and LOVE -- that is Beyond ALL Measure & Surpasses ALL Understanding.

And THIS Renewal of Our Vows Wedding ๐Ÿ’ž we both decided and deeply Desired to have
BECAUSE Jesus IS the Fullness of our Joy and He IS In ALL the Details.

*The SECOND Reason
is before I was saved by the Grace and Mercies of God.
I was bitter towards anyone that I was hurt by,
and I was Bitter towards my dad Martin for things about my mom and dad's divorce that happened when I was 2 years old.
And this so called "fact" I held on to
--- THAT he "left me" to have a new life.

EVEN though he called oftentimes
"I" couldn't get past the hurt
"I" didn't know HOW to move past it
NO MATTER how hard my dad tried.
"I" couldn't forgive and "I" couldn't LOVE him....
Even though at one point "I" tried so hard, and so did he!

BUT GOD ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป
Because of my dad coming to reallyyyyy understand and have a relationship with Jesus himself,
WOW - what God has done IN my dad & IN me!
We talk about Eternity and the Bible, ALL the time.

My dad has learned that praying IS talking TO God,
And -- HIS Word IS God talking TO us :
- changing our hearts,
- washing our thoughts
- and aligning our Faith to Truly Trust the Faithfulness and the Character OF God Almighty.

Dad and I have walked through manyyyyy things over these last few years and we have both been anchored to Jesus Christ.

This Understanding comes by Growing IN our Personal and Intimate Relationship With Jesus.

It's by the Power of the Holy Spirit
- Once we have Personally Asked Jesus to Be our Lord and Savior.|
- To Be Lord over our lives,
Born Again BY HIS Spirit Dwelling within us.

My dad is 80 years old now and
He's never walked me down the aisle.

Because of ALL that Jesus has Done IN our Relationship With Himself -and- THROUGH one another
WOW the JOY we have and the Love we share IS Beautiful BECAUSE of Jesus.

See IN our marriage
And IN parent & child relationships

God Says
Love God FIRST
THEN Love Others as He has Loved us

We can Only Love "Perfectly & Unfailingly"
IF God has taught us HOW.

We Love, Because HE LOVED us FIRST. That's God Word IN Action.

God's Word IS Proven TRUE.
He tells us It ALL Starts with our Relationship with Jesus First
Then He IS Overflowing - to others.

It's an Act of FAITH
IN the One Who IS Faithful - Indeed.

And if anyone BELIEVES in Him as Their Lord and Savior
He gives the Right to Become Son's and Daughters of God.

Call to Him,
Comes to HIM,
Receiving Him IN the heart.

Having a Real Relationship With Jesus, Lean ON Him, Seek HIS Word to Hear from Him and KNOW His Character

What has a person to lose by deciding to Have a Relationship with Jesus?

... All the deceptions of the world and it's created not real, not powerful, idols -- "god's"

What has a person to Gain in forsaking the world,
For a Relationship with Jesus?

Ohhh โคต๏ธ

"But, as it is written,
โ€œNo eye has - seen,
Nor ear - heard,
Nor the heart of man - imagined,
what God HAS prepared
for those WHO LOVE HIMโ€

THIS is why we renewed our vows before God and loved ones and share on social media...
More to be shared little by little, as God Puts upon our hearts to share

- His Timing
- His Glory

Marj Lancaster