Good Friday: April 18 at 4:00pm & 6:00pm
Easter Sunday: April 20 at 6:30am, 8:30am and 10:30am

THE GREAT EXCHANGE!!  On the cross, God treated Jesus like He lived our sinful life and poured out His wrath, and because of the cross, God treats us like we lived Jesus’ righteous life. For Easter Weekend Services at Calvary Old Bridge, Pastor Lloyd will be sharing from the Gospels with a Good Friday message titled A Sacrifice of Love and an Easter Sunday message titled A Hope That Rises

Good Friday's Services will be held April 18 at 4:00PM & 6:00PM, and there will be children’s church available for infants to age 7. Spanish translation will be available for the 6pm service.  

On Sunday, April 20 there will be three Easter Services starting with Sunrise at 6:30AM, and also 8:30AM and 10:30AM. Children’s Church will be normal from infant to fifth grade for the 8:30AM and 10:30AM services. No childcare will be provided for Sunrise Service.  Spanish Translation will be available for the 10:30am service.

The Lord is moving powerfully this year through His saints and it is our prayer that you will invite friends and family to the Good Friday and Easter Services and share the hope we have in following Jesus our Savior.

We look forward to celebrating with you!