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Bridge Women’s Center

Bridge Women’s Center is open and saving lives!

Bridge Women’s Center provides those facing unplanned pregnancies, and those who are unsure if they are pregnant, with healthy informed choices.

Our Mobile Pregnancy Center meets you where you are, connecting you with the resources you need. Our free services include: ultrasounds, pregnancy testing, counseling, parenting and budgeting programs, abortion healing and recovery, childbirth preparation classes and continuous, compassionate support during pregnancy and after your baby is born.

Our staff is specially trained to come alongside you during this challenging time of making a choice. Whether your concerns are about health insurance, housing, how this pregnancy may impact you; we are happy to provide information and connect you with needed support services. We are committed to presenting you with better choices for your health.

All services and communications are free of charge and completely confidential.

You are not alone, Bridge Women’s Center....always caring, always there for life.

To stay up to date with all the Lord has been doing, sign up for the BWC Newsletter HERE.

For more info visit or call 732-588-0999.