August 16 - CP

One of our dearest and longest friends passed on into eternity; she had been battling pancreatic cancer for a few years. Towards the end of her time here on earth, my wife and I would go to visit her in the hospital. We shared both sad and sweet fellowship. In one of our visits, we walked in and after saying hello, she simply asked us that instead of talking, to read her the psalms. As we read, she would relax and rest.

Another time we visited she was not fully awake but sedated. After a few minutes of sitting there, I started to play worship music and her whole countenance and body came alive and she tried to sing along as a smile appeared on her face. Our friend shared with us that she was ready to meet the Lord as she was both tired and excited to depart from this earth. As she communicated these things to us, she had a peace that surpassed understanding and such a powerful and trusting spirit in where she was headed that totally touched out mind and soul. What a testament to our Lord and Savior it was to see a person who truly takes Him at His word and His promises. Ultimately, she was an incredible encouragement and challenge to us all.

Marj Lancaster