July 31 - Anonymous

Not really a precise "GOD Moment", more of a testimony of the work of GOD in my life through His Word, His people, and staying in fellowship with Him. My walk right now is nowhere near where I'd like it to be (especially after walking with the LORD for over 30 years), but it's better than it was 2 years ago, when I made a decision after the CCOB Women's Retreat to dive into the One Year Bible Challenge and start a habit of regular prayer. Since then, I've noticed the LORD do a work in me I didn't think was possible back then.

I can see how much He's increased my patience--stupid little annoyances no longer drive me into a raging fury like they used to. He's also helping me perform better at work--I used to slack off, but He's helping me be more conscientious and careful, which my employers have definitely noticed and approved of. I also used to have a bad habit of engaging in "little white lies", but He's working in me to remove the desire for those as well.

I'm looking forward to seeing what He's willing to do in me as I move forward in faith, starting to regularly attend services at CCOB in person (I had been watching them online since the start of COVID--I had a genuine concern at the beginning, then I confess I used it more as an excuse to not go), and getting involved in one of the ministries. GOD is so faithful to do what He promises.

Marj Lancaster