July 26 - Cindy Mah

Gifts in trials

In July 2017, I fell outside Walmart when I tripped over some wires, and fell hard on the concrete pavement, yes it hurt. After resting a bit, I just wanted to drive home and tend to my bruises. When I realize I could not drive because of the pain in my wrist, I called my daughter to come and get me. Good timing, as she just finished work, so she drove me to urgent care. The Xray showed I had fractured my left wrist, and had hairline fractures on my right hand with a bruised right elbow. The older you get the harder you fall.

The gift of Church and family.

The following day I tried to get an appointment with an orthopedic Doctor but they could not give me an appointment right away, a girlfriend from CCOB though was able to get me in to see another Dr. right away. Because this was all last minute, I had no one at home to drive me to the appointment. Just at the moment when I was wondering who to call, I get a call from another friend also from church (she was part of our moms in prayer group) God's perfect timing. This friend was available to take me. She waited an hour and half with me at the Doctor's office. After this friend dropped me off at home, she came back and gave me a roasted chicken. During the whole time of healing, I was also blessed with a meal from our church's Discipleship Home Group.

"So encourage each other and build each other up just as you are doing" 1 Thess 5.11

God gives us church community where we believers can grow. Apart from church we cannot thrive.

It was also nice to be cared for by my family. For breakfast, my daughter made me scrambled eggs with a side order of Advil. She wrote me a note: 'I love you Mamma moo moo' (that was her nick name for me). This injury gave me an opportunity to teach my son to cook a pasta dish, and also get him to load and unload the dish washer etc... maybe he would do this more often in the future ??

I am grateful for a supportive husband who is able to take over cooking family meals but it was kind of scary for me to ask him to help me blow dry my hair. He is clueless as to how to use a hair dryer, so I told him to just hold the hair dryer in his hand while I move my head around it… I had this wild windblown hair style.

The gift of testimony

During trials we see God come through for us in our time of need through the church family. I shared this with my siblings who don't go to church. I want them to know how the church is a loving spiritual family that cares for one another, we bear each other's burdens.

"By this all people will know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another" John 13.35

When my neighbor saw my hand in a cast, she asked me about it. I told her about my accident, and shared it was a painful experience. She said: "I am sorry for your pain; this must ruin your summer." I thought about it. My summer cannot be ruined if my joy is not based on how much fun or vacation I have or even what I can or cannot do. My peace and joy are not based on my circumstances but my relationship in Jesus.

When we suffer well through pain and difficulties yet still exude hope, peace and joy, others will notice and maybe we would have an opportunity to be able to comfort others with the comfort of Christ.

The gift of seeing and knowing Jesus more

When we go through trials, Jesus just ministers to our hearts. He whispers his love to me through His word:

"The Lord directs and guides us in the way we should go and protects those who please Him. If they fall, they will not stay down because the Lord will help them." Ps 37.23-24

When we suffer there is a sweet fellowship we have with Jesus that goes deeper and richer. It's not just about healing, but we get to meet our healer.

"And I will give you treasures hidden in darkness, secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the Lord the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name" Isaiah 45.3

Marj Lancaster