June 1 - Cindy Mah

God our Provider

Many moons ago, for my birthday my girlfriend wanted to treat me to see the Broadway play; Anastasia in NYC. I was younger back then so going into the city from NJ was an adventure and not a trial.

Since I was going into NYC, I put together a supply of peanut butter crackers and granola bars to give out to homeless people in the subways.

I met up with my friend in NYC, we planned to eat before going to see the play so we took the subway to the restaurant. By the time I came out of the subway, I had given away all the snacks I packed for the homeless, how are there so many people homeless people !?

Because it was such a nice day we decided to walk to Broadway from the restaurant, this way we walk off the meal we just ate. On our way there I saw a person giving out free samples of yogurt as a promotional. Hey good nutritional food! I grabbed a couple of yogurts and put them in my bag.

As we continue walking, I started giving away the yogurts (which came with spoons too!) to each homeless person I passed along the way. After all the yogurt was given away, I turn the street corner and I saw another person doing the same yogurt promotion! I grabbed some more yogurt samples and continue to do the same, giving them away to homeless people I passed by until we got to the Broadway theatre.

At the theater, my girlfriend gave our tickets to the person at the window, the man said to us: "This is your lucky day" he took our balcony tickets and gave us a set of tickets for orchestra seats!!!

Wow, I have never had such great seats at a Broadway play in my life! 10 rows in and center from the stage! From where we sat, I looked up at the balcony seats upstairs where we were supposed to sit. I saw a whole bunch of elementary school kids bouncing around up there. It must be a class trip. I'm like: Thank you Jesus! Being a substitute teacher, I need a break from kids. LOL

In the Bible, Jesus took 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and multiplied it to feed 5000, He can do the same for us. When we bring our limited resources and abilities to God, He takes it from there. Our God is not limited by our limitations.

The needs around us can seem to be overwhelming but we don't have to focus on all the needs, we just do the next small thing the Lord puts in our paths. Where He guides, He provides.

"O Lord you will ordain peace for us, for you have indeed done for us all our works" Isaiah 26.12

By the way, I did save one yogurt for myself that I ate later and it was yummy for my tummy. Thank you Jesus, I got to serve you in serving others :o)

Marj Lancaster