May 4 - Elisha McShane

For most of my teenage years and my early 20's I said that I did not want children. Well God had another plan for me. I got married when I was 30 and still wasn't sure that I wanted children. After getting married my husband and I decided that I would stop taking birth control. After about five months off birth control I thought that I was pregnant, so I took a test and it was negative, and I said that can't be, I have all these symptoms that you would get if pregnant. Still a week later I took another test and not pregnant so I made a doctor appointment.

At this point I still was on the fence about having children, so at the doctor's office they ran another pregnancy test and of course it was negative and the doctor says you're not pregnant so I ask her why do I have all these symptoms, she tells me its from being on the birth control for 5 years and it would take some time for my body to adjust. I just had this feeling that something wasn't right so I asked the doctor to run some blood work.

A week later the doctor's office calls me and says "we have your results and the doctor wants you to make an appointment to discuss them". Of course I think the worse and think I have cancer or something fatal. At the appointment the doctor tells my husband and me that I have poly cystic ovarian syndrome. She tells me that I need to go on a low carb diet to help with the hormone imbalance. She also informs us that it will difficult and/or impossible to get pregnant, and that after a year of trying and unsuccessful we could come back and talk about fertilily treatments.

My husband and I were like ok, if it is meant to be then it will be. We continued to live our happy and carefree newlywed life. I went on a low carb diet which was a challenge in itself. Fast forward another five months I'm at work eating lunch and just didn't feel good, I could not eat and I felt extremely nauseous. So I picked up a Pregnancy test and took it the second I got home. It was positive. I thought how could this be, this was suppose to be hard.

God had a plan, and at my first ultrasound appointment at 8 weeks along, the same doctor that said this could be hard, told me I was pregnant with twins!! I cried not sure if it was shock, excitement or total disbelief, probably all of the above, but I was and still am amazed that God provided us with two beautiful healthy babies in my womb. My pregnancy was monitored very closely and I delivered two healthy baby girls at 37 weeks. They weighed 5lbs 10ozs and 5lbs 11ozs and did not need to go to the NICU and went home with me a few days later.

God is so good!!

Marj Lancaster