May 22 - Georgia Silva

It often happens that I fail to see God working in the midst of my pain and my grief. I forget that He is sovereign, He'll make my dark moments into stories for His glory.

After a year full of loss including my father, and a 4th miscarriage, I was sure 2023 was going to be completely different when I found out we were expecting at the end of January! This would make pregnancy #7 - 2 sons, and 4 miscarriages. I was full of hope and full of joy, glorifying God more than ever.

At almost 6 weeks into the pregnancy, my friend was cutting my hair and I was pouring out to her that God has been so extra gracious that it seemed almost too good to be true that we had a baby on the way. Immediately after the haircut, I began bleeding. Something was wrong. I did end up miscarrying.

It was almost as if the Lord was asking me if I would still glorify Him and sing His praises, even if He took that little baby to be in heaven with Him. Would I still praise Him even through the heartbreak and the tears? James 1 says to consider these trials an opportunity for great joy! That they are a test of our faith, and will make us to grow!

As I openly shared my experience, the Lord did something beautiful within His body. I had brothers and sisters coming alongside me, praying with me and for me, some even shared their own experiences. I found peace and comfort in the arms of my Sweet Lord, and I realized He never intended for this heartbreak to happen - it hurts Him too! But He will take these trials and hurts in order to build us up for His glory, and so that we can share with hopes of comforting others who may be facing the same things.

Marj Lancaster