May 17 - Kathi Freeman

Thank you, Dr. Lundberg, for this ministry and the love you pour into it, when I'm sure the time it requires is often difficult to fit into your busy schedule. Praise and glory to God, He saved me five years ago when I was 50 years old. I read through the entire Bible last year and your commentaries are such a blessing. I am so thankful for all the opportunities at Calvary to learn and to grow in biblical understanding from so many mature Christians who have given their lives to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The teaching of God's Truth was only 10 miles away from where I lived my whole life, but I didn't know it. We have such a great God, and I am overwhelmed by His mercy and grace. I know He is sovereign. I know He is faithful. I know He has a purpose for me. I know He keeps His promises. I know I am His, and for some unfathomable reason He loves me and saved me from my sin and the lies of this world. But I struggle with patience even though I know His will will be done in His time.

Unfortunately, family and friends are still not saved, not to mention the state of the world around me. I feel like the character Rose in the Titanic movie when she is floating alone on the piece of wood in the freezing ocean surrounded by others who are dead or dying. I'm plagued by survivors' guilt and my heart breaks for those that are still lost and deceived and don't even understand or know it - "there but for the grace of God go I" as the saying goes.

Thank you, Jesus for paying our ransom that we may live. I pray you can use whatever life I have left for your glory and praise, so that others may find their way out of the darkness and into your glorious light as well.

Marj Lancaster