May 1 - Roxanne Kamichoff

I delight in how the Lord provides encouraging reminders to us to share the Gospel.

On Monday, I was listening to a discussion between two pastors as they talked about how we are to contend for the faith and be the people we are called to be as His followers.

So this was on my mind as I went for a salon appointment with someone I have seen only twice before. Patty, name withheld, began talking about her grandparents and how the pandemic had turned things upside down for them. Her sweet grandmother lost her husband and went from an assisted living situation to being wheelchair-bound. As she talked, I briefly shared my faith and then asked her about hers. She said she was a believer. NOTE: Never stop sharing who Christ is when someone says they are a believer. Patty, who considers herself a believer, is living what she considers a moral and right life. She no longer feels it necessary to attend her Catholic church that just seems to ask for money. I shared the Gospel with her and gave her a booklet that presents the Gospel in a very clear way. I also invited her to CCOB and pointed out that her granddaughter would love the children's ministry. I won't see her again for probably a year, but I pray that a seed was planted that will grow. And, hopefully, I might see her at our church one day. We have a powerful, Almighty God!

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11

Marj Lancaster