February 17 - Anonymous

About 10 years ago God was pushing me to quit my job. I fought him for a while (probably about a year). I loved that job, I could see my future, I could retire there (and I was only about 24 at the time). They offered raises, 401k and advancement opportunities… anyway after a year of fighting I gave in. I remember sitting on the steps at my dad's house tying my shoes and I said to God, “OK God I will do what you want but you take all the credit or all the blame!”; then I quit shortly after.

And what followed was about 4-5 of the worst years of my life. I was expecting God to live up to my standards the whole time (I had this and that so to be faithful you have to give me more of this or that) and God never did, lol, still hasn’t. But after years in the dog house God started to be faithful even though I didn’t humble myself and eventually I ended up at my current job, and now I see why God wanted me to quit… I don’t make more money, better 401k or anything. In fact, everything is about the same but God built up my character so much that I couldn’t be more grateful!

I was (still am) a shy quiet kid, but now I’m a manager of about 14 people! I also am HR so I learned how to be patient with people (even during stressful situations), I’ve learned how to speak up when needed and even take charge. If it wasn’t for all of this I wouldn’t be able to share my faith as much as I can now and best part is because of what I went through I’m not scared of money or even life anymore, whatever happens happens. If I lose my job I’ll be alright, if I move I’ll be alright. It is freeing. Lol I just wish I didn’t try and force God to live up to my standards and instead I tried to live up to his.

Marj Lancaster