January 14
Gen 30-31:16 | PS 12 | Prov 3:13-15 | Matt 10:1-23
When debating, many use words like "the science", "the data", "the evidence", etc. to garner strength for their position. These terms are used to make oneself sound objective while those not using these are often relegated to positions which are subjective or up for opinion. Science is often defined as the study of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories through evidence obtained. The 1828 Webster's dictionary defined science as "in a general sense, knowledge, or certain knowledge; the comprehension or understanding of truth or facts by mind. The science of God must be perfect.” As a physician, I have come to realize that science as we call it is anything but objective or fact. The editors practice editorial bias and determine what constitutes science. Being the medical director of pro-life groups, I have seen how the leaders of science only allow articles in favor of abortion to be put forth. As an individual who believes in creation as the truth, and believes that evolution is a faith, perhaps the worst "science" imaginable, yet is pushed relentlessly by those in "science" further shows this point. Climate change is put forth as absolute science and truth, conveniently because other terms such as global warming don't always seem true. Any detractors from this false science are silenced and canceled. Amazing to me is that physicians actually discuss SADS (sudden adult death syndrome) as though it is unexplained. All the while even the most casual observation must make the honest observer see this as being a direct result of the experimental vaccine, not the virus, when one looks at when these deaths began to soar. Though I treated over one thousand people during the pandemic with Hydroxychloroquine, a drug which has been around since the mid 1950's, so safe that it was over the counter in much of the world, so safe that it is given during pregnancy, but now, mysteriously, according to "the data" is strangely responsible for 17k deaths during the pandemic. I could go on and on, but hopefully this makes the point.
We read that it is time for Jacob to leave Laban and go back to his country in Canaan. God placed this desire on his heart, the circumstances there had become uncomfortable, but most importantly, Jacob heard directly from God. God gives Jacob a vision of how to increase his flocks. Laban once again tries to act deceitfully by removing the speckled and striped male and female goats, along with all the black sheep. We then read of a strange concoction using poplar, almond, and plane branches, along with peeled off strips of bark placed in watering troughs to enable the birth of streaked, speckled, and spotted lambs. We read of this in Genesis 30:34-43. Does this make any scientific sense? Not really, at least to me. When discussing with his wives: Leah and Rachel, Jacob explains to them that he was told what to do by God, Himself. That is why I like what is in the 1828 Webster's dictionary, "The science of God must be perfect".
Oh, how our society has lifted up the word of man, pushed forth as science, over the word of God, which those in positions of authority have relegated to fiction. For some things God has spoken very clearly in His Word, such as creation, the sanctity of life surrounding the topic of abortion, etc. But for other things, such as the experimental vaccine, there is no chapter and verse that you can turn to. Many ask me why I have been so vehemently against it from the outset. I prayed, and sought God, and yes, I believe that the Holy Spirit will help us discern. When we pray God gives us peace or no peace. Are we willing to lift this up over what the "experts" say? Yes, there are human experts who support the direction that I have adopted, but we need not get into a data war. Sadly, those who lift up man will deafen their ears to opposing viewpoints. It is an interesting phase of my career as I increasingly look at data as subjective rather than objective, knowing the underlying philosophies behind so-called science. But my response has been to lean more on God, and less on others as I have grown. This will appear as ignorance to many in my field. But I would rather be sensitive to the voice of God every day. This is why we do this One Year Bible Plan year after year (now our eighth year). God will illuminate our minds if we come to Him submissively and for discernment.
Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley: