September 7
Daniel 7:1-8:27; 5:1-31
The importance of prophecy cannot be minimized. So much has already been predicted with events occurring exactly as predicted by God's vessels. These predictions would be otherwise humanly impossible. Names, dates, weaker nations defeating stronger nations, all fulfilled with razor sharp accuracy. Yet for some odd reason, though prophecy is God's fingerprint on the Bible, though this distinguishes this book from every other book of religion or antiquity, everyone seems to avoid this portion of Scripture. Pastors rarely preach from it. Though prophecy accounts for over 25% of the bible, less than 2% of sermons bother mentioning it. People were living in uncertain times then and God gave them the promise of prophecy to give them hope and strength to make it through those times. We are also living in uncertain times, and God's word is just as relevant today as it was then. The problem is most don't bother seeking His Word. The masses worry because they fail to seek comfort from the only One who can comfort them.
In Daniel 2, 7, and 8, we read of the major empires rising and falling in succession. Though Daniel lived to see the rise and fall of the Babylonian empire, and the rise of the next empire, that of the Medes and Persians, as he lived and wrote in the 500's BC, he was not around for the rest. So, even the most cynical of individuals would have difficulty explaining the name "Greece" being mentioned in Daniel 8:21, even though Greece would not rise above the Medes and Persians for another 200 years. The specifics of the Medes rising above the Persians was unknown to Daniel at the time of the writing. The specifics of Alexander the Great leaving the scene abruptly (he died without a successor at a young age)and leaving his empire to his four generals is also very specifically described. Some cynics like to explain away the authorship of Daniel, but the Septuagint (the translation in 285 BC by the Hebrew scribes into Greek), the Dead Sea Scrolls (shortly after that), and the quoting of Daniel by Jesus, Himself, and so much more speaks against this. This heresy was only introduced in the 1800's.
Why is this so important? Because in these pages are also very clear statements made about the future Antichrist. If Daniel was correct with everything else, there is no reason for us to doubt this. But more important than the future enemy of God, is the ultimate victory of God, which is written over and over again throughout these pages. Concerning the conflict between the Antichrist and Jesus, we read in Daniel 8:25, "Through his cunning He shall cause deceit to prosper under his rule; And he shall exalt himself in his heart. He shall destroy many in their prosperity. He shall even rise against the Prince of princes; But he shall be broken without human means." We read in 7:13-14, after "One like the Son of Man...came to the Ancient of Days...Then to Him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion." So, it will get bad, really bad. But then it will get good, really good. But we must choose sides. Anyone who has not chosen Jesus Christ has chosen the wrong side and it will not end well for them, and they do have something to fear. Those who choose to follow Jesus, will go through trials and tribulations, but they have nothing to fear, as unsurpassed beauty and peace awaits them in eternity. Remember, as it states so clearly in Hebrews 13:5, "For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you".
Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley: