December 5
Acts 27:1-44
She was so excited, finding out that she was carrying her fifth child. She saw me for her first visit which though it revealed a child that was alive, it appeared syndromic, meaning the ultrasound was grossly abnormal. She came back a couple of weeks later, only to see a very similar ultrasound. I have known her for years and she is generally a very anxious person. At the next visit she was calm and in peace. She prayed about it, spoke with her Rabbi, and the three of them (husband included) decided to move forward in faith. She decided that she would accept whoever it was that was growing inside of her, but also believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, knowing that the same God who could part the Red Sea could also perform a miracle on her child. She opted for no further testing in terms of ultrasound or genetic testing. She didn't want to try to push or manipulate God. I fully supported her position, also believing and trusting in the God who can do anything. Last week, she gave birth to a perfectly healthy looking baby boy, with no external signs of any syndrome. She called me as she was being asked by the hospital Pediatricians if they could test the baby. She asked me for advice. I asked her if those asking were of faith or not. She said, they were not. I asked if her Pediatrician at home was. She said that he was a strong man of faith. Then I asked her since she has placed this child in the hands of God, and in the hands of physicians who also trusted God, why would she change course now and place her child in the hands of the godless. I recommended that she spend the next few days in prayer, then approach her Pediatrician and ask him to do the same, before answering. We serve a God who is not limited. It is often us, His unbelieving children, who move forward in unbelief that hinders God's work in our lives. God chose to perform a miracle on this child and this family. Understand, this is often not the case. Our faith in God must not be dependent on the outcome, but be based on who He is, as He is worthy of our faith and trust.
When we read the story of the shipwreck in Acts 27, it is almost comical, as the seasoned sailors are in panic, and the prisoner, Paul is totally calm. The difference was those with experience were trusting in themselves, while Paul was trusting in his God. We see Paul begin to take charge in Acts 27:18-26, "The next day, as gale-force winds continued to batter the ship, the crew began throwing the cargo overboard. The following day they even took some of the ship’s gear and threw it overboard. The terrible storm raged for many days, blotting out the sun and the stars, until at last all hope was gone. No one had eaten for a long time. Finally, Paul called the crew together and said, “Men, you should have listened to me in the first place and not left Crete. You would have avoided all this damage and loss. But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me, and he said, ‘Don’t be afraid, Paul, for you will surely stand trial before Caesar! What’s more, God in his goodness has granted safety to everyone sailing with you.’ So take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said. But we will be shipwrecked on an island." Paul knew he was going to Rome, and this was confirmed by an angel of God. Paul had something that none of the others had, belief and trust in God. As the story continues, the sailors continue to panic, but Paul once again sets the tone in 27:33-36, "Just as day was dawning, Paul urged everyone to eat. “You have been so worried that you haven’t touched food for two weeks,” he said. “Please eat something now for your own good. For not a hair of your heads will perish.” Then he took some bread, gave thanks to God before them all, and broke off a piece and ate it. Then everyone was encouraged and began to eat—"
Are you a believer? Have you made a decision to repent of your sins and accept Jesus' payment for your sins on the cross? If so, then you are my brother or sister and a co-heir with Jesus Christ who will one day experience salvation rest in heaven. But we are not there yet. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are citizens in heaven, but His ambassadors on earth. The question is whether or not you are experiencing His submission rest on earth. As opposed to that one big decision, this is about our day to day, moment to moment decisions. Is He more of your corporate God, or is He your personal God? The question is, despite our surroundings and circumstances, do you trust Him? For if you do, panic is replaced by calmness, regardless of your circumstances. Most believers forfeit the rest that God is offering because they choose to walk this earth in unbelief. This was what sent the Israelites on their forty years of desert wanderings after leaving Egypt. They knew there was a God, this was unmistakable. But they chose to act in unbelief, rather than trust and belief. Our rest comes because we know that our lives are in God's hands and He is more than able to keep us. So people who are born-again, justified, heaven-bound but doubt God's words and promises can choose to live on this earth in their own torturous wandering of unbelief. If you are not experiencing this rest which comes from a total commitment and trust in our heart to the Lord, then spend less time trying to change your circumstances and more time fixing your eyes, mind and heart onto God.
Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley: