December 26

Zech 9:1-17 | PS 145:1-21 | Prov 30:32 | Rev 17:1-18

Most probably don't realize that the word "religion" comes from the latin word "religare" which refers to obligation, which means to bind. This is never what God desired to institute with men. His desire was and has always been to establish a relationship centered on love. But, understand, He is the embodiment of love, and therefore He is the one who defines what love is and is not. One individual who I speak to about faith, and has been raised in a Christian denomination, was shocked about my views on BLM and LGBTQ, because they don't mesh with her views of what love is. The truth is I do love individuals, but can't support viewpoints which God has spoken about clearly in Scripture and defined differently than what the prevailing cultural viewpoint does. Many find it hard to believe in a worldwide rapture, in which the church is brought up to heaven in an instant. How will this escape worldwide detection, skeptics like to question. Sadly, the churches will still be full. Many in the church, and this goes for all denominations, have chosen bondage under a system of man-made works, over the freedom offered by Jesus who died for our sins. So, the question which must be posed, what do you lift up? Is it your religion, a "religious" individual or leader, your works, or is it the finished work of Jesus on the cross? This is an either/or, not some combination.

We read of the final one world religion in Revelation 17:13-14, "These are of one mind, and they will give their power and authority to the beast. These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords and King of kings; and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.” Many reject such a notion that they will not be free thinking, and would never be of "one mind". Consider the media even now. There is a phrase, or stance, which is pushed forth from some "higher source", and like a bunch of parrots, this phrase is then echoed shamelessly at every level of politics and the media. In so doing, the masses have been, and continue to be swayed. It is the opposite of freedom of the press. So, with the true church having been removed, a stranglehold over every aspect of one's life, even the ability to buy and sell, eat and live, it is not hard to fathom the masses being bound to some forced religion, simply out of a desire for self- preservation. But as it states in this same verse, this religion, as well as its adherents (whether willing or unwilling) will be toppled by none other than Jesus Christ, when He returns. Following Christ has been difficult for many and will continue to be, but may we take advice from the prophet, as we read in Zechariah 9:12, 9:16, "Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare That I will restore double to you...The Lord their God will save them in that day, As the flock of His people. For they shall be like the jewels of a crown, Lifted like a banner over His land—".

We are all prisoners to something or someone. What will it be for you? As Zechariah stated, I would rather be a "prisoner of hope" in the living Hope, Jesus Christ. Anything else will leave you a prisoner to something else, leave you in bondage to something else, leave you away from your only True Hope, Jesus Christ. We can either remain in bondage to religion and feel that we have to go to church, have to read the Bible, have to pray, etc. Or we can take off the shackles and experience the freedom offered only by being in a relationship with Jesus. What this looks like is you get to go to church, you get to read the Bible, you get to pray, etc. Please decide today which it will be for you.

Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley:

Marj Lancaster