October 10

Jer 14:11-16:15 | PS 80:1-19 | Prov 25:1-5 | 1 Thes 2:9-3:13

Experts. People are drawn to them. People follow them and their advice. The higher the position, the more prestigious the places of education, the more people are willing to simply follow. Respected institutions are capable of horrible acts when people blindly come. My profession does not resemble what I saw in it many years ago. It’s hard to fathom the things being put forth in the name of science, yet sadly it moves forward. Bodies are mutilated in the name of identity confusion. Babies are destroyed in the name of choice and convenience. Science which really is no science at all swirled around a viral outbreak and continues to do so. Winners and losers are chosen as for “the greater good”. So, everyone, can continue to hide behind, “But, my doctor said”, but it is up to all of you, with God’s Word in your hand to discern whether what is put forth is truth or not.

We read in Jeremiah 14:13-14, “Then I said, “Ah, Lord God! Behold, the prophets say to them, ‘You shall not see the sword, nor shall you have famine, but I will give you assured peace in this place.’ ”. And the Lord said to me, “The prophets prophesy lies in My name. I have not sent them, commanded them, nor spoken to them; they prophesy to you a false vision, divination, a worthless thing, and the deceit of their heart.” In Babylon, in the time of Daniel, we will encounter the same nonsense being permeated by the so-called wise men of the day. Jesus warned His listeners in Matthew 7:15, ““Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Paul gave a similar warning in Acts 20:28-29, “Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood. For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.”

Do we choose to ignore the warnings of God through Jesus and His messengers through the ages? Evil can dress itself up very nicely. Unholy movements can be brought forth by eloquent speakers and by those who seem well intentioned. There is no middle ground. There is good and evil. There is right and wrong. We are not smart or sophisticated enough to figure out which is which, except with the truth of God’s Word and by the presence of the Holy Spirit. How many people will sacrifice their children and their own souls on the altar of science, political correctness, and seasonal popularity. History is full of man’s failures, which at the time were put forth as absolute truth. Realize that the evils in Germany that went forth only happened because the population listened and believed false prophets. The Nuremberg Defense, that they were just, “following orders”, rang hollow then, and does so now. Sadly, due to the advancement of media and social media, the false rhetoric has not changed, but its ability to be disseminated has gone global.

Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley:

Marj Lancaster