January 15
Gen 31:17-32:12 | PS 13 | Prov 3:16-18 | Matt 10:24-11:6
The other day I was caring for an orthodox Jewish woman in early labor in the hospital. I mentioned to them that I was studying my Bible when they arrived which sparked a conversation. Her husband was very pleasant, but was genuinely surprised that I actually study the Bible. He was even more surprised when I told him that I allow God to speak to me through His Word directly without deferring to the thoughts of other experts instead. A number of years ago I was told by another orthodox person that the Tanakh (or the Hebrew Scriptures) is for women and children, while the Talmud is for men. The Talmud is the written version of the oral law and the many rabbinical discussions or debates surrounding these laws. In essence, most Jewish individuals, just like most people born into the various Christian denominations are secular and never really touch the Bible, but those in the Jewish community who do practice their religion adhere to the teachings of men over the word of God. The same holds true in most segments of Christianity. Many elevate those in authority: priests, pastors, etc. over the actual Bible. Many believe the lie that only "experts" are capable of hearing from God through His Word, but this is indeed a lie and robs so many of engaging in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I will take the 300 specific prophecies surrounding the first coming of Jesus Christ, which are specific, and were fulfilled with razor sharp accuracy than any number of so-called experts who attempt to explain it away consumed with their own intellect. If anyone says something, no matter who they are, which stands in opposition to God's Word, God's word is right and they are wrong. The main purpose of the One Year Bible Challenge is to encourage you to engage in a steady diet of God's Word. If you envisioned this as a meal, God's Word is the main course, the rest, including the commentaries and messages are simply side dishes which help but should never overpower the main course.
We see this difference played out in the characters of Jacob and Laban. Laban can plainly see why he has been blessed these past twenty years, as we read in Genesis 30:27, " “Please listen to me,” Laban replied. “I have become wealthy, for the Lord has blessed me because of you." But six years later, as Jacob's possessions become more numerous, we read in 31:1-2, "But Jacob soon learned that Laban’s sons were grumbling about him. “Jacob has robbed our father of everything!” they said. “He has gained all his wealth at our father’s expense.” And Jacob began to notice a change in Laban’s attitude toward him." Laban chose to listen to man rather than God. Despite the many shortcomings in the character of Jacob up to this point, he chose to listen to God, as we see in 31:3, "Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your father and grandfather and to your relatives there, and I will be with you.”" When Jacob tries to convince his wives that it is time to leave their father, he doesn't rely on human reasoning but we read in 31:11-13, "Then in my dream, the angel of God said to me, ‘Jacob!’ And I replied, ‘Yes, here I am.’ “The angel said, ‘Look up, and you will see that only the streaked, speckled, and spotted males are mating with the females of your flock. For I have seen how Laban has treated you. I am the God who appeared to you at Bethel, the place where you anointed the pillar of stone and made your vow to me. Now get ready and leave this country and return to the land of your birth.’”" Laban heard from man and responded. Jacob heard from God and responded.
When I first came into a relationship with Jesus Christ over thirty years ago, it was through HIs Word, and His Word alone. At that time I didn't know anything about Bible based churches, Bible radio, or Bible commentaries. There was no internet and I never even heard of a Christian book store. It was just me and His Word. Though I certainly didn't comprehend everything, over that next 1 1/2 -2 years as I committed to read the Bible from cover to cover, His story opened up to me, and nothing ever made more sense to me than His story. I gave my life to Christ at that time. God spoke to me through His Word. No I don't remember hearing any voices or getting any visions during that time, but God led me through and allowed His Word to come alive in me. If you find it difficult to make it through, what is preventing you? There are so many distractions, are you allowing other things to crowd out your time with God? Are you squeezing God in, while giving the majority of your time and thoughts to other things? God will speak to you, but He doesn't force Himself on you. Other voices can be helpful, but they never take precedence over God's actual word. Never believe anyone who tells you that you are not intelligent enough, or wise enough to understand, for that is a lie, as we read in 1 Corinthians 1:26-27, " Remember, dear brothers and sisters, that few of you were wise in the world’s eyes or powerful or wealthy when God called you. Instead, God chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose things that are powerless to shame those who are powerful." Prepare your hearts and minds and allow the purity of God's Word to speak to you.
Messages from Pastor Lloyd Pulley: