Bridging the World Missions
Bridging the World (BTW) Missions Ministry plays a vital role in Calvary Chapel Old Bridge’s vision to EXALT the Lord, to EQUIP the saints for the work of the ministry, and to be sent out to ENGAGE the culture for Jesus Christ. Currently, we serve and help support over 30 Missionaries and Missions Outreach Ministries locally, nationally, and internationally. Calvary Chapel Old Bridge sends short-term teams and long-term missionaries to various countries to share the Gospel, comfort the hurting, and rebuild with hope. To receive occasional news and updates about the missionaries we support, sign up below or visit the Missions Wall in the Calvary Chapel Old Bridge foyer for opportunities where you can participate in the valuable work of local and international missions outreach.
Healthy churches work to bring more people into the kingdom. Throughout the years, CCOB has been able to send people into the mission field to bring God’s Word across the world. These missionaries have come out of Calvary Old Bridge and are fulfilling the Great Commission oversees. As a church, we look to support them practically, lift them up in prayer, and celebrate their stories that show God at work.
David Casserly trusted in Jesus Christ when he was 18 years old. Before this, he grew up in a Christian home and heard the gospel but never truly believed. During his teen years, he rebelled against God, which eventually led him to a place of despair.
Serving the persecuted church alongside her husband in a restricted nation.
Please pray for borders to open to bring God’s Word to people desiring and in need of Bibles.
Tony served as an elder at CCOB before he and his wife Amber Reyes quit their respective jobs in the US in 2015 in order to follow God’s call in their lives to return to the Philippines to raise up and train young men who will start reproducing churches in places where there are none.
Beyond those who have come from our church, CCOB supports many other like-minded missionaries around the world. We support these missionaries through prayer, financial means, and short-term trips throughout the year. Pray how the Lord might guide you in supporting these missionaries.

Kyle moved to Hungary in 1995 to serve at Calvary Chapel Baja where he met Odi. They got married in 1999 and in the spring of 2000 Kyle became the Pastor of Calvary Chapel Szeged. Kyle’s main responsibilities are preaching & teaching at the church. Kyle is the 1st pastor to teach through the Bible in Hungary.
Árpád and Andrea served at Calvary Chapel Pécs from January 2000 to April 2007 while teaching at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe. In 2007 God called them to serve at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe in Vajta full-time. Árpád teaches classes and oversees financial, legal and general administration at the college.
Pastor Cory Kilgus and his wife Danielle have been serving on the mission field for 6 years. They have two children, Abigail and Noah, who were both born in Peru. Cory was ordained as a pastor at Calvary Chapel Fort Bragg in 2015, and has served at Bible Colleges and in church plants throughout the world.
Cross To Light Ministry has been working in Haiti for 9 years. The vision that the Lord gave us is to make disciples, preach the Gospel and plant churches. We find a small group of on fire young Timothys, we bring them into the Haiti Bible Training Center, where they live with us for three years.
The Timothy Project, founded in 1997, is headed by missionary, Jay Munoz and his wife Mely. The Timothy Project plants churches in sugar cane villages in the southeast part of the Dominican Republic. In planting these churches, Jay raises up pastors out of these churches and disciples young people on Saturdays at his library.
In the spring of 2009 led by God in Budapest Golgotha (Calvary Chapel also known as Central) leaders to start a new congregation Budapest is one of three regions of South-Pest.The church is now a strong, active, congregation. The Nemeths have 4 children Lea, Lotti, Petra Sophia and Nimrod.
Calvary Chapel Managua is a bright light in a very poor neighborhood in the capital city of Nicaragua. The economy is going down, so we are trying to give out the hope of the Gospel as well as provide an education for the children and some jobs for the people.
Kris and Oti have been a part of Calvary Chapel Subotica since its beginning in the 1990’s. Kris is the Senior Pastor and has a heart to spread the Gospel, teach the Bible verse by verse, and see the church body be spiritually grounded and equipped for the ministry the Lord has for them.
Ljubisa Zakovic and his wife Snowy Zakovic have five children: boys, Manuel 16, Samuel 14 and girls, Dina 11 and Zara 4 and Nia 1. They are pastoring at Calvary Chapel Kula, Serbia. (working and pastoring at same time, not in full time or part time ministry).