Calvary Equipped

Calvary Equipped: Bible-Based Courses

The Vision: To offer Biblical courses specifically designed to further believers’ understanding of the Bible in order to enhance their walks with the Lord and/or prepare them for the ministry to which God has called them.

Open To: All

Examples of Courses:

Next Steps - This class is designed to help transform people into a fully devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. This class is intended for new believers but will also help believers of all phases develop a deeper love for Christ! It’s open to any believer who wants to learn the foundations of Biblical faith. This class is usually offered on Sunday mornings and lasts for 6 weeks.

Why Trust the Bible - This class teaches that the Bible is the Inspired Revelation of God. Students will be shown prophesies that have been fulfilled. In addition, you will learn how archeology is used to prove the historical accuracy of the Bible. Today in Israel, archeologists are currently using Holy Scripture to find ancient cities mentioned in the Bible, This class is usually offered on Sunday mornings and lasts for 4 weeks.

Spiritual Disciplines Class - The Spiritual Disciplines Class is a six week adult Sunday School class that focuses on the Spiritual Disciplines described in the Bible: Prayer, Fasting, Biblical studies, Service, Solitude, Worship, etc. The Spiritual Disciplines are things we "practice" that draw us into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ!

Called to Serve - This class introduces the students to some of the different ministries offered at CCOB. Students are taught the true meaning of being a servant. This class is a requirement for serving in any CCOB ministries. This class is offered on Sundays during the 10:30am service and lasts for 6 weeks.

Messianic Bible Study - This class helps believers in Yeshua (Jesus) understand the Jewish roots of Christianity from a Messianic Jewish perspective. Students go through regular weekly readings from the Synagogues of the Old Testament and additional readings from the Prophets and Writings. The class meets Fridays at 7:30pm in Chapel Room A.

For more information, email

Meets When: Classes are held at varying dates and times during the year. Visit the Upcoming Events page for current class offerings.